How can I...


This is a listing of notices of estray livestock that have been filed with the county clerk's office.

Once the listed sale date has passed, the notice will be removed.






This is a listing of notices of meetings and agendas that have been filed with the county clerk's office.

  Once the meeting date has passed, the notice will be removed. 

Copies of these notices are kept in the Clerk's vault for the duration of their two (2) year retention period.

Click on the arrow next to the folder to see notices filed.


Misleading Information (Scams)

From time to time, we are contacted by citizens who have received mail or emails from companies or individuals claiming to offer a service, or even worse, alarm or scare you into taking action with them.  Most of the time, the sender will use a name that would lead folks to believe that they work with local, state or federal government offices; or they attempt to advise that you are required to have documents that they will provide to you for a fee.  I urge everyone who receives this kind of notice to read it very carefully.  I can't guarantee that all are scams, but there are a large majority of them that are.  Talk to your family members, as these folks prey on our most vulnerable population.

I've chosen to post items that we receive from customers, to share what to look out for.  If anyone ever indicates that you have to get a copy of your property records (your deed) from them, please be aware that if your property is in Victoria County, you can get a copy for $1.00 per page from our office.  (If you need a certified copy, add $5 to the total number of pages.)

  • This company claims to insure components to your home. Why would this be associated with the supposed sender - County Deed Records?